Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise... But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom
Both the wise and the foolish are known by the friends they choose.
A Description of fools by the wisest man who ever lived:
1. Simple Fool
* Believe every word
* Looks for a leader
* Ignorant of cause and effect
* Corrupted by scorning fools
2. Silly Fool
* Seek "a good time"
* Had fun breaking rules
* Seeks wrong friends
* Has guilt for wrongdoing
3. Sensual Fool
* Sneaks out with Friends
* Engage in immorality
* Involved in drugs and bad habits
* Skilled in deception
4. Scorning fool
* Get simple fools to do evil.
* Despise rules and authorities
* Create contention
* Proud of evil exploits.
5. Commited Fool
* Has a seared conscience
* Believe wrong is delight
* Skilles in arguments
* Seek followers for self again.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Wisdom vs Foolishness
Truthfulness (2)
Truthfulness is communicating by life and word what is genuine and accurate.
We must speak the truth in our hearts before we speak it with our mouths.
Truth is the foundation upon which anything that stands is built.
Telling the truth sets us free.
Lions don't lie. They always speak the truth. Lions clearly reveal their intentions with the positions of their ears, the postures of their tails, the shapes of their mouths, the sounds of their roars.
Personal Evaluation
* Do you ask others to point out your blind spots?
* Do you seek how to confront your blind spots?
* Do you believe that you have no serious faults and think you are better than you are.
* Do you lie or tell only part of the truth to escape the consequences of your actions?
* Do you flatter people to gain their approval?
* Do you give damaging reports of others to make yourself look good?