It is very satisfied feeling creating this blog. I dont know if it helps you but it definitely helps me checking on myself everyday. It reminds me of too many aspects of human values we need to acquire or improve when we encounter things or people in life.
There are times I feel fragile, lonely and down too. It is normal to every human being however I know I will find strength in me, to be able to open a book which draw strength in me, that's how this blog started and is very important to me. I hope people who read this, be my dearest friends and new visitor will have a wonderful life of his/her own; I wish you be my friends too. :)
I wanna hear your comments and personal feeling or sharing. Happy Reading and keep coming back! :)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My Feeling
Sensitivity vs Callousness
Sensitivity is being aware of the pain in others because of the healing we have received from God for similar hurts.
Sensitivity is perceiving the true feelings of others and adapting our responses to them; tenderhearted, kind and empathy.
Sensitivity is the communication of one spirit with the spirit of another
We earn the privilege of helping others by avoiding hurtful words and actions.
The tongue of the wise is health
When we harden our hearts, we lose the capacity to understand the hurts of others.
“We should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostilities”- Henry W.Longfellow.
The varying hare (snowshoe rabbit) changes colour in response to the changing seasons. Its sensitivity to changing amounts of light conforms its hair to blend with the background of white snow in winter and the brown forest floor in the summer.
Personal Evaluation
How sensitive are you?
* Do you close off communication with family members?
* Have you chosen an ideal role model to follow?
* Do you exercise your spirit to be sensitive to the spirits of other people?
* Do you allow bitterness or toleration of evil to cause callousness in your spirit?
* Are you sensitive to voice of loves ones?
Thriftiness vs Extravagance
Thriftiness is the basis for stewardship and foundation of every generous deed. Stewardship identifies someone who manages the property of his master. His faithfulness is determined by how prosperous he becomes in the use and increase of the resources under his care.
“A man’s treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character – how he makes it and spends it” – James Moffat.
Because koalas eat only eucalyptus leaves that contain very little nutritional value, they must conserve every bit of energy. To get by on less, koala moves very slowly and sleep most of the day.
Thriftiness is the skill of trading things of lesser value for things of greater value.
Thriftiness is the personal discipline of those who are striving for the greatest rewards.
A person who understood and practiced the principles of thriftiness will use as few funds as possible for consumable items, and as much of their resources as possible on that which would bring greater returns.
Borrowing is the bane of thriftiness, because it turns the joy of saving into the bondage of survival.
How thriftiness differs from stinginess
Thriftiness is using as few resources as possible for my own needs so that I will have greater resources for generosity to others. Stinginess is keeping back what should be given to others so that I will have more for myself
Aspect of Thriftiness
Thriftiness begins by being content with basics.
A person who believes that happiness is measured by personal possessions will not be capable of true thriftiness. He will use up valuable assets for things that neither profit nor satisfy. A person who is content with the basic essentials of life will have the natural ability to be thrifty.
Thriftiness is using creativity to increase assets.
A thrifty man will understand how things are designed to work and will use this knowledge to increase productivity.
Thriftiness is protecting assets by putting up with irritations.
Life is filled with irritations and conditions that are less than ideal. Personal comfort often comes with a high price and is only temporary. A thrifty person will put up with temporary messiness that is necessary for productivity. Much increase is by our strength.
Thriftiness is making offers rather than asking and accepting the quotes.
Always negotiate for the best buy through our dealing and buyer must aware that a seller will inflate the value of his products and this must be counteracted in a gracious way.
Thriftiness is gathering up the fragments after a project.
By not allowing the remaining food to go to waste demonstrated thriftiness.
Thriftiness is saving during times of plenty.
Thriftiness requires a long-range goal that is more important than immediate luxuries and conveniences to increase standard of living with personal comfort and luxuries.
3 requirements for thriftiness.
* One must be faithful in little things
* Be faithful in the use of money.
* Being faithful in that which belongs to another person.
Personal Evaluation
How thrifty are you?
* Do you keep detailed records of your resources so you know how they are being spent?
* Do you take time to evaluate the profitability of each investment you make?* Do you plan out each day so you can make the wisest use of every hour?
* Do you use principles of negotiation so you can get the best buy and also help your suppliers save money?
* Do you save all you can so you can have available funds to give?
* Are you using our energies and resources primarily for yourself or for the needs of others?
* Are you using your energies and resources primarily for yourself or for the need of others?
* Do you study procedures to see how they can be more efficient and less costly?
* When your income increases, do you keep the same standard of living so you have more to give?
* Review our investment of time, energy or money.
Thoroughness vs Incompleteness
Thoroughness is carrying out each task in preparation for God’s personal inspection and approval. To be thorough requires that we put our whole soul into the work we do. This includes concentrating with the mind, directing the emotions, and using the will to do a complete and detailed job with excellence and consistency.
A job is never really done right until it is done right.
Attention to detail is the difference between mediocrity and excellence in the work we do.
Do a job with thy might as if you will never have another chance to do it right
Working harder when the boss is watching is convicting evidence that you are a manpleaser rather than genuine pleaser.
“People forget how fast you did a job – but they remember how well you did it” – Howard W.Newton
The American Alligator prepares a nesting spot that is not too high and not too low, not too wet and not too dry, not too hot and not too cold. Its nest is perfect in every respect.
When God thoroughly searches our heart, He will reveal to us the hidden areas of sin and uncleanness.
We also has to be aware of thorough cleansing of our hearts and surroundings.
Outward Cleanliness – When through cleaning is not maintained, clutter and dirt accumulate.
Personal Evaluation
How thorough we are?
* Are you committed to thoroughness in all you do?
* Are you impressed with your thoroughness in your hygiene: Brushing teeth, shower, washing hands, etc?
* Do you picture your jobs will be inspected and monitored?
* Do you thoroughly examine your life before taking communion?
* Do you clean around items and also under them?
* When you paint, do you make sure there is adequate preparation, including drop cloths to protect floors and carpets?
* Do you complete all the necessary details of a job, or do you leave things for others to do, such as clean up?
Security vs Anxiety
Security is being free from the "cares" of this world because of the assurance of God's continual care for us.
The Value of Security
There is a deep longing for security in every person's heart. Unfortunately, we tend to look for security in temporal things that perish, such as money, possessions, or people, rather than eternal realities that cannot be taken away. Ironically, the very things we depend on for security produce insecurity and anxiety
Security=Strength and Shield = Freedom from fear = Inward peace and joy = Stability and Fruitfulness = Everlasting lovingkindness
God created human with insecurities that he delights to address through a growing relationship of love.
Insecurity is the result of expecting from people or things that have no assurance to be given.
Kangaroos give birth after one month gestation period. The helpless young kangaroo, called a joey, is the only the size of a lima bean. It finds security in its mother's pouch, where it receives protection , food and warmth for up to a year.
We find security in someone when it is knowing that she/he will never leave us or forsake us. Everything in our life can be shaken; our shield is still our belief.
Responsibility is not just doing what I said I would do, but doing what I know I should do. It is doing what is expected and required. Profitability is doing what is extra and not anticipated. Responsibility is also doing what I ought to do even when I don't want to do it.
The more responsible I am, the more freedom I will be given; the more freedom I am given, the more responsible I must be
"You can't escape the responsibility of tomorrow by avoiding it today" - Abraham Lincoln
The bald eagle demonstrates responsibility by building enormous nests for shelter of its young, by resting in the lifting power of the sun, and by remaining faithful to a single mate for an entire lifetime.
Personal Accountability for Responsibility
* Responsibility for thoughts of others and everything
* Responsibility for words
* Responsibility for attitudes
* Responsibility for motives
Resourcefulness vs Wastefulness
Resourcefulness is increasing assets by seeing value in what others overlook or discard.
The ultimate example of resourcefulness is the great value we see in each person and the loving dilligence we exert to seek and to brighten other's life.
Resourcefulness is taking what others view as nothing and making it into something.
Opportunities is out there; but we must exercise resourcefulness to get it!
Known as one of the most difficult of all fish to catch, the muskie demonstrates resourcefulness by doing anything in its power to escape. It twists, jumps, dives and even lies motionless on the bottom in order to free itself from a fisherman's lure.
We can preserved life through resourcefulness in overcoming effects of flood, etc.
I believe in prayer for resourcefulness. Ask and receive. Seek and find with insight, initiative and creativity. Make contact with people who are involved. Explain to them our goals and prepare our heart.
Patience vs Restlessness
Patience is accepting, quiet waiting and enduring astonishing suffering, difficult and adversed situation with optimism and cheerfulness in struggles, to undergo and to bear trials, to have fortitude, to persevere. It is by faith we have to be forebearing, long-spirited and long suffering.
Patience is a reward for properly responding to trials and tribulations and thus there is hope.
Patience allows us in having our perfect work and be complete in various applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character, etc
Time ceases to be a factor when patience is motivated by love.
Genesis 29:20 Jacob's 7 years of waiting seem like "a few days" because of the great love he had for Rachel.
The suffering we are to endure with patience also powerfully benefits the lives of those who watch our faith grow in trials.