Always know where you are heading to. If you have no aim, you will end up nowhere.
We must have a plan and plot a path to where we want to be in 6 months, in a year, in 5 years.
We need to plan our game and know how to go along and play with it. Our plan must be flexible according to circumstances being smart and fluid thinkers.
* Know what you want long term
* Know what you want short term
* Study our career system / promotion system
* Develop a game plan
* Aim at our objectives
* Play our roles great
* Know our strengtsh and weaknesses
* Identify times and events
* Anticipate threats
* Look for opportunities
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Working - Have A Plan
Working - Knowing That You're Being Judged At All Times
Everything about us speaks volumes to others. The way we dress, the car we drive, where we go on holiday, how we talk and walk, what we eat at lunchtime - everything about us is subject to the judgement of others.
If the judgement is positive, it will enhance our career. You can't stop people making judgements. But we can change those judgements which is about being stylish, confident, smart, well-groomed and very smooth.
* Dress well
* Cultivate smile
* Perfect handshake
* Exude Confidence + Energy
* Develop personal style that get you noticed
* Personal Grooming
* Be Attractive
* Be Cool and in Control
* Speak Well
* Write Well
Working - Enjoy What You Do
Only really successful people admit work is fun and they engrave it in their heart.Work being good means you take pride in what you do, enjoy the challenge, look forward to each day with optimism and enthusiasm.
Having a good time at work is a temporary thing.
Work being good means enjoying the negotiating, the hiring and firing, the day to day challenges, the stresses and disappointments, the un certain future, the testing of one’s mettle, the new learning curve.
If you are not enjoying, then you are doomed to be one of the moaners, life’s victims.
Working – Under promise and over deliver
Always provide later deadline and deliver early. You will never deliver late or deliver short. It is better to negotiate a longer delivery time in the first place than to have let someone down. If you do not, you will look incompetent and like pushovers at last.
Working - Be 100% Committed
You have to work a lot harder than your colleagues. It is a tall order that you have to be vigilant, dedicated, watchful , keen, ready, prepared, cautious, alert and on the ball. You need to be dedicated otherwise you will run the risk of looking foolish instead of cool and be in control.
Be powerful and always must enjoy fun.
Working – Carve out a niche for yourself
A very valuable assets and superior quality of great personal skills. Be a walking encyclopedia of knowing something; children names, everyone’s likes and dislikes, etc.
Know something others don’t., develop edge and specialist knowledge, creativity, inside-out knowledge. It has to be relevant and interesting.
Always make sure our work was done on time and supremely well.
Carving out a niche for yourself will take you out of normal range of office activities and further investment of time in something you will improve in working skills.
If the other bosses think you are a good idea then your boss really has to go along with it.
Working - Volunteer Very Carefully
Many people think if they say ‘Yes’ to everything, they will get noticed, get praised and get promoted. Not true. They will end up overworked, undervalued and abused.
Why is this person asking for volunteers?
How will this further my plan?
How will I look to senior management if I volunteer?
How will I look if I don’t volunteer?
Is this a dirty job that no one else wants?
Or is this person genuinely, desperately overburdened and really in need of my help?
Are you going to be seen as monkey?
Only step that one step forward when you are confident you will look good, gain benefit or make a difference to someone who needs help.
Working - Awareness
Working to me is a surviving habit in life.. Everyone wants to survive, have better lifestyle, earn better environment. I also would like to be consciously thinking about every area of my work and make changes to improve.
I am still learning every facets of my job.. aiming at it. Bottom line, I just need to be really good at my basic job. Aiming and unstoppable learning power... i will look calm and efficient, on top of everything and totally in control with ease and confidence.
In an ideal working pace; I will have to get my work done by lunchtime, so that I will have afternoon free. Never accept that doing the job is enough. I need to be moving right along preparing, studying, analyzing and learning.